The dominant market segment in 1994 was the 50+ age range. Not only were these the largest single group, but they also possessed half of the quantitative discresionary income. This definitely placed them as a target market for the luxury goods industries. This was because the baby boomers were reaching this older age. However because babyboomers do not necessary like to be considered old, so it doesn't follow that the products would aim toward growing old, but perhaps focusing on staying young. This might spur advancements in products that would appeal to their interests.
Source: "Mature Market" on the Academic Search Complete database
Global Teens
In 1994, a survey called "The D.M.B.& B. New World Teen Study" was conducted that showed that teens around the world showed similar consumer behavior. This study focused on attitudes, lifestyles, and trends of this market that was almost 1 billion consumers. What made these teenagers different from past generations is that they were linked together worldwide because of the new forms of media technology. This market had the common characteristics of being independent and skeptical. Not only is their thinking similar, but they are also choosing similar clothing styles.
Source: “The Media Business: Advertising;
Whether in Asia, Latin America or the
Social Causes
Even though social causes supported by businesses is a big trend currently, it was also a factor in 1994. Statistics of the time showed the affect that company’s causes have consumers’ choices as follows:
Boosting a company’s image
34% agree strongly
51% agree somewhat
Switch to comparable brand if associated with a good cause
41% somewhat likely
Switch to comparable stores if associated with a good cause
25% very likely
38% somewhat likely
These statistics were common among different ages, genders, and cultures.
Source: “If you're not committed, don't bother.” on Academic Search Complete database.
Consumer Response to Media Marketing
From this article it seems that in 1994, the general consensus was that newspapers are not going to become obsolete because of the internet, but about 75% use the TV as their primary source of local news.
Source: “What consumers read in newspapers.” on Academic Search Complete database.
Environmental choices
This article is building consumer awareness of how their choices impact the environment. It mentions the fact that Americans consuming more than they need to maintain their high standard of living. However, it foreshadow the truth that lifestyles will have to become more eco-friendly in the near future.
Source: “How Green Are You?” on Academic Search Complete database.
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