Kurt Cobain Suicide Influences a Generation
Blumenfeld, Laura. "The Suicide That Spoke To a Generation; For Fans of Nirvana Singer Kurt Cobain, It's a World of Anger and Anxiety." The Washington Post (Apr1994): B1. LexisNexis Academic. Terrell Lib., Washington State University. 7 Oct. 2008 http://ntserver1.wsulibs.wsu.edu.

Delvaux, Martine. "The Exit of a Generation: The 'Whatever' Philosophy." Midwest Quarterly 40.2(1999): 171-186. Academic Search Complete. Terrell Lib., Washington State University. 7 Oct. 2008 http://ntserver1.wsulibs.wsu.edu.

Kurt Cobain, with all his misery, seemed to be the icon of Generation X. They were a group of youth who wanted something to care about, but seemed to be lost to the world. A mixed-up jumble of passion and desperation. It was as if they had no true direction in their lives. Cobain symbolized a life of isolation, deprived of happiness. This appealed to Generation X who thought themselves to be in the same situation. They were a dark, unmotivated group of individuals. It seemed angst would be their defining quality; unable or unwilling to do anything about it. Cobain's suicide has been considered the "bullet that shot through a generation". He became a legend with his suicide. A violent, disturbed idea that Generation X gave tribute to.
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