Winter Olympics Popular With Viewers
Zoglin, Richard. "The Olympics That Came In From the Cold." Time 143.10(Mar1994): 65. Academic Search Complete. Terrell Lib., Washington State University. 13 Oct. 2008
The 1994 winter Olympic games in Norway drew a larger audience than any previous games. Ratings had been struggling for a number of years with the Olympics. But prime-time viewership nearly doubled between these 1994 Olympics and the previous 1992 summer games. Though the events were canned, viewers were kept at the edge of their seats. In fact, 48.5% of all American households tuned-in for the women's short ice skating program. Editing was provided to enhance dramatic effect, adding suspense and interest. For the first time in many years, Americans found heroes in the games. Americans watched, in awe, as countless Americans took gold at these winter Olympics.
Woodstock Makes a Comeback
Morse, Steve. "Woodstock '94 is BIG." The Boston Globe (June1994): 8B. LexisNexis Academic. Terrell Lib., Washington State University. 13 Oct. 2008
Woodstock 1994, designed to commemorate the original festival, was larger than anyone could have anticipated. Making between $25- and $30-million,

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