Monday, October 27, 2008

Quantitative Data Strategic Plan

Question: How do we capture the hidden momentum to develop innovative products for 2010?

I. Data Gathering
Now that we have the qualitative data of the macro-environment, we will be focusing on the end user for the Butler Bags. We want to find out how these men’s lifestyles, preferences, and passions translate into their purchasing habits and needs. What are the competitors doing in order to have a share in the market? What are the men responding to as indicated by sales? In order to gather some quantitative data, we are going to conduct a brief survey on men’s bag preferences and unfilled design elements. This information with get done by Monday the 3rd.

Continue to find the beat of momentum of 2008: (Lokelani Lee)
-2009 fashions
-Willingness to pay- perceived value
-Observe/ take pictures
-Magazines- arts- TV- Movies- Pop
-Why consumers buy what they buy

Who is Butler Bag: (Jessica McCorkle)
-Look at website
-Look at product lines and price points
-Look at colors
-Look at sales: items, colors and PP
-Identify 3 direct competitors

Target Market: (Lara Ward)

-Potential growth

Developing the forecast: (Devin Hendrickson)
-Color lines

Micro Environment/Context: (Brianne Holden-Boushey & Elizabeth Lange)
-Identify Color Cycles: 1978-2006
-Research fro 2008
-What has been predicted in 2009
-Identify Clusters/ Products and their color:
-Cosmetics- Interior design/paint/outdoor paint
-Auto Industry- Food Industry

-Names and their sources of Inspiration:
-Life Span of colors:

II. Data Analysis
After gathering customer, product, and competitor data, we need to look beyond the obvious dominating trends and find the underlying pattern that will continue into the future. Then we will compile the outcome into a visual format. This information will be done by Sunday the 9th.

Finding Hidden Currents
-Sorting out what is relevant
-Identifying correlations between different factors of the

Product Development
-Pinpointing the needs of the end user
-Designing a product that is aesthetically pleasing to the visual and
emotional senses of the target market

Review Initial Line:
-Develop Prototype- Sketch

Develop a Color Board: 2010 Forecast- Online
-Names for Colors/Shades/Tints/Tones
-Palette of 6-7

III. Data Interpretation
We can now connect the macro-and micro-environments from the past and the present into a written synthesis. The final conclusion of the Butler Bag line of 2010 will reflect the research through the colors, fabrics, designs, and price points that the target market will embrace. This information will be due November 14th.

-Combine macro and micro environment
-Forecasting the Butler Bag line of 2010
-Testing the forecast

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